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  • Learning about the culture through interactive activities and tours

  • Delicious, authentic meals and cooking lessons with Dominican cooks

  • Fun games and activities with Dominican children

  • Arts and crafts led by Dominican artists

  • Nature excursions and animal encounters with local guides

  • Language lessons from your trip leader and plenty of opportunity for practice

  • Meaningful community service projects and random acts of kindness

  • Moments of reflection and contemplation during our gratitude circles



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Find your inner smile:)



Give your love



Share your skills



Unforgetable Adventures

My journey with Caritas Smile was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. Our trip to the Dominican Republic opened my eyes to many things I had never understood before. While our team of volunteers formed such close friendships, the love and appreciation shown by the Dominican children and their families is something I will never be able to put into words. Thank you Caritas Smile for allowing me to partake in this journey to change the world ❤️

- Kayley Bouchar, Graphic Designer 


I traveled with Caritas Smile for my spring break trip, looking to do something different than the normal spring break. I was delighted to see the difference that we made within the community and within the lives of so many families and children. The program is undeniably an amazing experience, learning about another culture by full immersion and making a difference really adjusted my perspective. This experience was life changing.

- Nicole Colentano, Health Nutrientist.


I took my first trip with Caritas Smiles in March 2021, and am going back often. Caritas Smiles changes the lives of local people and the lives of the volunteers who go on the trips. Traveling with Caritas Smiles empowered me and inspired me, showing me that anyone can make a positive impact on this world by doing nice things for others. You don't need to be rich, famous, or meet any other criteria. You only need the desire to help people. Yes, there are huge problems in this world. But we won't solve anything by sitting around talking about how big the problems are. Solutions develop when normal people take action. That's how momentum builds and true progress is made. Caritas Smiles is an organization that takes the mission of selflessly helping others to heart.

-Ben Marquox, Marketing Expert


I felt extremely happy that I was able to help while having fun. It is amazing to see the impact you make on the lives of those who are really struggling and need help. I felt so loved and appreciated for everything I did for the people of Moncion.

-Samatha Garcia, Holistic Trainer


The strongest transformation I felt was this sudden realization of my identity and how I define it. Everything we saw like going into people’s homes, playing with them, trying to talk to them, etc., made me feel absolutely grateful for the life I have right now. That gratitude pushed me to think about what I can do to give back to the world and how I can live a happier life. I’d like to think each of us felt this transformation on a personal level, and that was something that we all shared.

- Edhaya Hernandez, Photographer


“It's a beautiful thing when all types of people come together. Different ages, different races, different genders - it's amazing.” - Founder, Sixcia Devine


“Our pre-meal ritual of sharing what we are grateful for is a beautiful reminder of how blessed we are for every little thing we take for granted daily. I will certainly miss these teary heartfelt bonding moments. Our hearts are all so full! We’re bursting with heart: for humanity, for each other, and for ourselves.


I’m so grateful to “Ma Ma” for opening her home and welcoming us with open arms. After a full day we returned home to a delicious Dominican meal made with love.


We started this trip as 12 strangers all here to give back and change lives. What none of us realized is we would be receiving just as much as the beautiful souls we came to serve. It will be hard to say goodbye to my Caritas Smile Family tomorrow. Today we will spend our last day enjoying this beautiful Island playing and relaxing. I’m sure the day will bring many belly laughs and many tears as every day has. The journey of personal growth is not always easy but definitely necessary. Thank you Sixcia for creating a magical transformational week. Your passion is truly infectious.”


-Gina Johnson, Holistic Business Coach


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